Thursday, 15 December 2016

website draft mock up

Here we attempted to create the website in WIX. We wanted to experiment with the look and feel of the overall website and see if we could make something that fitted our overall campaign.

We followed the conventions of having the band on the front page, with the alert of the album being released. We as well integrated social links within the website which we also saw from the conventions.

We added the video, from our campaign.

Then tour dates, which we found was a major element used within indie rock band websites.

Then we had a small bit about the band.

Overall I think the design is nice but lacks character. Its boring and could be for anything, but I personally think it appears to dead to be for our band. Therefore in the next design I will start from the ground up, with a pen to paper prototype then straight into WIX to finish off the design, making something that is personal and fits with the overall design of our promotional package.