Thursday, 29 September 2016

our target audience.

Now that I have a better understanding of profiling, which I spoke about in the previous post, the one about JICNAR’s and VALS, I can better understand the audience in which our band Glass Animals appeal too. The music Glass Animals produce falls into the niche of attempting to be original and unique, indie type of vibe, while in reality it is pretty pop orientated. I call this type of music the LORDE complex. I think around three/four years ago Lorde came about, a singer from I believe New Zealand, she had a pretty unique and original sound, however in reality one of these stars pop up every two or three years therefore making them somewhat stereotypical and somewhat ironic. Anyways, Glass Animals aren’t even that unique or original due to them jumping on the band wagon of the acclaimed winey nasal sounding band known as ALT J. However, moving on from this Glass Animals are clearly trying to access a niche market of an audience that feels misunderstood and seek release in the lonely sounding voice of the Glass Animals singer. This music lacks judgement and therefore makes it easy listening and some whats safe. Therefore myself and my group believe that our target audience would be men between the ages of 25 and 30.

25 right, 30 year old left. This is our target audience.

The band most come across organic rather than synthetic otherwise its image of new and indie becomes obsolete and would drastically damage the target audiences image of the band. After extensive research I found that our band has very similar characteristic to ALT J and IMAGINE DRAGONS. What was clear from my secondary research was that the target audience for these bands where predominantly men between the ages of 25-30, although i believe that our song in particular (“TOES”) is directed predominantly at female due to the lyrical devices used through ought the song. Because of this our concept for the music video somewhat compliments these results due to the music video being somewhat artistic and dark which caters generally for a more male audience the music and the artistic elements can still be appreciated by the females audience.

Below is a mood board I created on what I think our target audience would be interested in that highlights their lifestyles.

Ok so here is a brief explanation of what this all means. On the right of my mood board there are a lot of music elements. Our audience member is interested in ALT J the indie rock band, and uses streaming sites such as spotify and soundcloud, because itunes isn't very cool. However, on the subject of music they are interested in trying to play an instrument and invest money into records. On the left side of the audience member you will find that there is a GTA poster because our audience like to escape reality and live someone else's life for a bit. They like to take photos and watch films, also they are intrigued in how to make films, and see themselves as a critic of films, and usually end up watching something by a director who no one can pronounce their name. Our audience members are also into philosophy as they are curious of different things, this is shown through their social media usage, their two prime outputs are twitter and instagram. Twitter because they like to have people listen to their opinions. Instagram because our audience members like their perspective of the world to be appreciated.