(here is me filming the tv animation asset)
So my idea of what should happen to display the two realities is have the camera warp into the screen of the TV where the performance is taking place and enter the world of the performance and continue with that element within that reality.
Right so how am I going to accomplish this. If you go back to the beginning of my blog which I doubt you will, in more short bio I talk about how I initially got into film. It was like magic to me… VFX. I needed to know how these amazing effects could be done. So I began teaching my self after effects and loads of basic techniques to create little fun sketches. 5 years later I am going to be heading down the path of VFX and through tracking, masking, compositing, colour correcting and some other effects I will hopefully be able to create a convincing piece.
Its been a while since I have hopped into after effects. Its been more then three years therefore I am quite rusty.
I began by shooting some test footage of how it would potentially go down. I dollied the camera as close as I could to an TV we had laying around the house. I shot everything in slow-motion so everything would appear smoother. The room was very dark and in the future I will 100% post markers on the TV making the tracking stage a breeze, however this time round it didn't go so smoothly.
I shot some other footage just of my self dancing, this would be the reality within the TV.
Then I hopped into after effects after watching some tutorials to refresh my memory and I was away. The primary effect I was trying to accomplish was the warp, this would establishing the penetration through the glass into a new reality.
Here is a time-lapse of what I got up to. This is roughly one hour and half session within after effects sped up to be less then a minute for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
and here is the final piece.
Ok so here are the excuses. I had less then a week to complete this, and with the filming and the relearning of some after effects techniques it took much longer then I thought and the end result is way off from what I want. The end result looks awful. Not just because the wacky colour grading but everything. I feel embarrassed even posting this. But I have had to in order to show my group the promised blog in response to the feedback from the group and the set tasks.
This was an important task, as it has shown there is a lot of developing necessary to make this effect look effective and this is going to take a lot of practice, I will keep you updated on this matter through ought the blog and I will go back in the field soon to get some better organised footage and I am going to research more into accomplishing this effect.