Here is the inside cover -

Here is the CD cover -

The front cover has Origami typed out a bunch and then Cigarettes after sex printed on top, creating a stylistic montage of text. While being a unique album design it strengthens the brand having the band name printed in large, putting the band into peoples minds on a subconscious level, making it more likely for them to come back and purchase a product due to familiarity. I followed the conventions of the Alt J album design and followed the creative path for the front cover instead of having a face.
The inside cover has the instruction to make an origami swan as planned, while I desaturated it to make it more neutral its multicolours I believed add to the overall album cover not becoming stagnant and therefore intriguing for audiences, and therefore wanting audiences to by more into their image.
The CD cover has the faces of the band members cut up making one face, because when it comes down to it all their unique realities make one unique sound. The faces have a pop art feel due to the cut out structure making it feel somewhat more organic. The faces reveal more about their identity and allow the audiences to buy more into their star image. For most of the similar products I found this section to be clean and simple and thats how wanted it, so I left it with just the image of the faces.
Finally the back cover. Through out the design process I found the back cover the most difficult. Most of the final designs were quite spontaneous in the small details, and this section I especially I found it difficult to make something I actually liked. I followed the conventions The Smiths back album cover, which was simple and clean, so I kept it like that and just added the swans because I took the swans off from the front of the design and I need it consisted.
Here is a video I made on the design process, with a special guest narration of myself -