Here is my investigation into shared conventions of a website homepage into similar genre. Here I investigated the elements that make up the Milky Chance website and why they use these elements.

The header of the Milky Chance website directly indicates there use of communication with audiences. The first thing down from the top of the page is there social media links, this will instantly encourage consumers to connect with there artists. Once the consumers is connected to the artist through social media there artists can begin selling more of their image which the consumers by into due to the incoherent star image. After these links you get the band name in big letters, this is the brand image. Under this you have the menus for the website, "Cocoon" is their newest release, then right on from that you have "Live" which shows the events that they are playing at, then "Videos" show the recent either behind the scenes videos or music videos they have created and the "Photos" section shows the images of them on tour. The final element of the menu bar is the newsletter, this is similar to the social media links but it is more direct to the consumers inbox giving them constant reminders of the band.

(This is similarly shown on the Alt J homepage just in a different order.)
Anyways moving down the Milky Chance website you come across there most recent hit song music videos, this would be the music video for one of the songs that would have been received as most popular therefore they are trying to promote there best asset.
As you scroll down the page you find there latest release and for Milky Chance thats their single Cocoon. On this section of the website they have multiple links to where you can buy it and listen to it.
Next on from the release you get there live performances. This is the events they will be playing at and where consumers can go see them live. With digital downloads declining I am surprised that they haven't made more of an emphasis on live performances because thats how most artists make there money back now a days.
There video section is an interesting one, I expected that it would just be there music videos but instead there primary video was the behind the scenes of the music video for their latest release. This is used to show the personality of the bands having some clips of them laughing and mucking about but as well being serious, this means that consumers can get to know and buy into their image. This is emphasised with there photos linking to instagram.
There newsletter sign ups consumers which I don't have much to say about it that I haven't said already. What I do find interesting is the footer of the page is the exact same as the header extra emphasising the fact that the audiences should be connected and following their artist.