Monday, 24 October 2016

set design meeting.

Today we had the meeting with Laura the set designer.
I printed off the presentation and gave her a copy.

In the meeting I let her know straight up that our piece was going to be very set design heavy, unlike many of the other student music videos. I went through the presentation explaining all the elements and what we wanted.

She showed me some images of couches and we agreed that we could get a couch from my boarding house Cornhill and other elements she would try source her self. 

She explained that it would be difficult to have the platform for the performers as that would mean when it came to changing to the next set we would have less shooting time. So we decided to eradicated the platform.

We came to the conclusion that we would have Japanese artwork for the walls.

Overall I came away from the meeting buzzing, I was very excited from her response and her overall knowledge. She seemed to have it very together. She mentioned to have SFX artist for the tv girls back with the wires but due to lack of time and finance I explained that we could cheat it with a few shots of us holding it their and then just use the girls clothing to hide the connection to her body.