Sunday, 16 October 2016

organising rehearsals.

Rehearsals are super important if not one of the most important aspects in planning for the shoot. In rehearsals we would call in member of the cast we have picked, and see which members fit best the part but also if they are able to act to our direction. On top of that one of the must important characteristics our cast must have to be able to act in our piece is confidence, if the cast is somewhat awkward and unconfident in front of the camera then we wouldn’t be able to take the risk of them being in our piece.

A lot has gone into the planning of our rehearsals. Georgia was in charge of contacting all the cast members for our rehearsals. She sent out a few emails to all the desired cast, for a time in which we would like to audition them.
Here are the emails sent out to our desired cast -

This email was sent to the dancers that we auditioned. Unfortunately, Charlotte Mcgee and Daisy Jelley couldn't make it to the auditions so we auditioned Cara Heal instead.

This email was sent to the band performers, which unfortunately HUGO our singer couldn't make it to the actual rehearsal due to his suspension.

Due to a lot of the people having theatre commitments we were unable to have Eloise, Sophie and Georgie. However, we did audition Genny and Lottie, which was enough

This is somewhat more of an audition then just a rehearsal as while its important to see whether the cast can act in their role and do what we need but as well if they are good at it.