Tuesday, 22 March 2016

RESEARCH TASK - Character guidelines

Post from Dasha's blog

Female Character Guideline:
Young woman that has a strong personality,dark hair, inherits a leader personality.

Robber 1:
Around a 35-43 year old man with a Liverpool accent, very short hair (possibly bald) and has a harsh personality and cares for his fellow correspondents

Robber 2:
A guy that is in his mid thirties, looks a bit different to all the other robbers. We are looking for him to have a quiet personality that helps out purely because he needs the cash from the mission.

Robber 3:
The last robber is an actual doctor in real life that has specialist skills and helps out with the technology and downloading part of the mission. He is in his mid forties and is non-white.

Mafia Man:
This man is very important and is ruthless. You mess with him, you have the whole mafia after you. White male around 30-40 to show experience and strength. Needs to have style.