Costume Research
For the robbers we decided on boiler costumes as in most movies they portray 'thriller' like feelings and often in many thrillers the robbers wear these. We decided to have the costume in dark tones as most people would associate robbers with dark colours. These suits are very common and therefore it would be difficult to identify the person underneath it. It is very important that all of the robbers look pretty much identical, but we thought that each one should have something small that differs from the rest. The boiler suit is very plain and it fits with an amateur robbery. Some of our might have difficulties getting into the costume, therefore, we thought that if it didn't fit in the from part then they could just wear a jumper and tie top of of the boiler suit to their waste. Also, plain white shirts underneath the boiler suite in order to make it all look very sleek.

In order to disguise the robbers I found a couple of different types of masks that could potentially cover their identity and make the sequence stand out a bit more. There are three options. Option one is of different types of animals, option two is plain theatrical masks and the third option is a storm trooper mask from Star Wars. Below are some of examples of these. It is important that we stick to the same mask for everyone, meaning that if we had 5 pig masks, each of the robbers would wear the same one.
They are going to wear plain black trainers.