• Two big guns – These guns will be the weapons that the amateur robbers use in the heist
• One small gun – This will be for the least experienced/ weakest member of the group
• Bat – This is another choice of weapon and because these people are amateurs, their weapons would also be amateur. This was partially inspired by “The Purge”
• First aid kit – We will use the first aid kit to treat the man that has been shot. It would be nice to get a few close-ups of the kit while the man is being treated
• Earpiece – This will potentially be for the guard that protects the main man during the stitch-up. We wanted a few options to see what looks best on the guard
trust the driver. This works perfectly for them to being stitched-up
• People Carrier Car – We have a few options such as a VW or a Nissan, but any big car will fit perfectly. This will be the car that the “professional” drive off in after taking the “amateurs” stuff
• Sunglasses – These will also be a potential for the guard. He will either wear the sunglasses with the earpiece, he could wear a balaclava or nothing at all
• Balaclava – Again this is a possibility for the guard
• Pelican cases – These will be what the robbers use to steal the goods. This way, we won’t need to see inside them so we don’t actually know what they have stolen. They also look quite high security
• Smoke machine – Inside the van, it will be very bland, so to create some atmosphere we wanted to have some smoke to make the van look a bit dusty
• Fake blood – Obviously we need blood in order to show that the guy has been shot. We will need quite a lot of it depending on how long we shoot the scenes of him bleeding
• Torches – As we will be using smoke inside the van and also due to the fact that the van doesn’t have any windows in the back, it will be very dark. Torches will light up everyone’s faces and will look cool with the smoke
• Cardboard boxes – These will just be used to make the van look a bit fuller and cramped as
normally there wouldn’t be much inside.