Thursday, 17 December 2015

Ring ring...

Right. We came back on the Monday and of course non of the group members had a new idea. So it was my opportunity to take a risk. I didn’t want to let go of my idea just yet. So used my skills in deception and seduction to pull them back in, with a motivated and enthusiastic manner, I told the group how "You know what? Matt is just a failed filmmaker who’s just jealous of our sick idea, we should take a risk and do it” and like that they were back on board. Bring someone down and you appear taller. However there was still an insecurity of weather this could actually be an opening title sequence. So we waited for Adam to come to our table and give us his third party view.

And that was it. This is what I needed, to be finally rejected AGAIN by Adam. Ok I know I have been naive and immature with trying to persist with this idea, but I just knew how awesome it would look. But Adam said it again “An opening sequence establishes either the scene, character or context” and he was right. I had been doing it all wrong. Ok we know that, I already told you this last time, but I wasn’t ready to drop the idea. Ok so since the idea is based around a drug that is over proscribed and destroys people’s empathy (the worlds best war weapon)… Prozac. For an opening title sequence you would have to show the production of this drug. As it doesn’t really show you anything but it gives the audience an idea of what the film could be about.

Ok, so obviously it would be impossible to get behind the scenes of a large pharmaceuticals production stage, but why not take the risk. Ok so Hayden knew of local place called Pfizer. So I suggested with give these dudes a ring. However I made an agreement that if they said “NO” then we would drop the idea for good.

Here is a video of that call.