Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Narrative Action

The vans doors swing open. four figures dressed up in masks move towards the van. One being carried by two of the figures.

They scramble into the van. Pulling the doors closed. A bleeding indian appearing character is laying on the floor of the van. He begins instructing them on how to treat a wound.

The asian character begins shouting in his native tongue, as the bleeding indian continues to describe what he needs for his wound.

One of the other characters begin to help the bleeding indian by getting the recovery kit and sifting through all the different objects. As the female character starts raging at the character with the recovery kit.

The female character and the character with the recovery kit continue to argue about how each other had mucked up. Then they both turn to the asian character who is still shouting in his native tongue and they both shout at him to shut up.

The turn to each other in the calm silence and then the van slams to a stop. You can hear foot steps outside.

Then the van doors are yanked open and in the bright light a blurry figure begins walking towards the van.

The blurry figure has two men made of bulk by his side in balaclavas. An older man walks towards the van.

He motions to a briefcase latched onto the asian characters hands. The asian character submissively passes it over, when the character with the recovery kit and the female character both drop what they are doing and grab onto the briefcase.

There is a back and forth with the briefcase. Till the old man snatches it out of there hands.

As the old man walks away the character who had the recovery kit asks ‘Could we get our money?’. The doors shut.
